Sheptin Tutoring Group
June College of the Month: University of Rochester
Sheptin’s College Profile – June 2021 University of Rochester, Rochester, NY - Basic Facts: About 5,500 undergraduates taking advantage of over 70 majors Student to Faculty Ratio: 11:1 About 80% of all students receive some form of financial...
My Valedictory Address to the Class of 2021
Congratulations! You made it through. This has been a most trying 15 months. Learning remotely has been quite a challenge. But trust me, teaching remotely has not been a cake walk. However, consider how fortunate you are to be living in a world where technology brings...

May College of the Month: Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva NY Basic Facts: About 1800 undergraduates Average Class Size: about 16 96% of all students receive some form of financial assistance Top 10 ranked (per Princeton Review) for Professors and Study Abroad Programs Fun...
“Where Are You Going Next Year?”
During this time of year, this is a very common question to ask any high school senior. Usually, students are excited about their future home. They’re counting the days until prom and graduation. They’re spending the summer getting to know their future classmates and...
SAT and ACT Trends
As a practitioner, I try to get my hands on as many recent SAT exams and attend as many webinars that discuss what is going on with the SAT and ACT. This past week, I went to one of the best webinars because we, as a group of test prep professionals, discussed what...
How to raise a reader
My child is not a reader…. As a kid, I always had my head in a book. As an adult, I’m the same way. I tend to gravitate to non-fiction, although my favorite fiction authors include Dickens, Dostoevsky, and Vonnegut. I was raised in a reading culture. My parents were...
Math Options
I am sitting in my office. As I look out the window two thoughts are juxtaposed in my head. The first is the hopefulness of spring. I marvel at the snow, anticipating the buds that will crop up every year like clockwork. The second is the thought of summer: barren...
Test Optional for College Admissions
A few days ago, Cornell’s admission offices came out with its standardized testing policy for next year. In short, the school has a two-pronged approach to testing: Three undergraduate schools will be test blind, which means that scores will not be used in admissions....
Farewell Subject Tests and SAT Essays
Earlier this month, the College Board did two things that I applaud: It decided to get rid of the essay portion of the exam. It has eliminated the Subject Test product line. Frankly, I’m not mourning the elimination of the essay. First of all, it was the last part of...
How to Hire a College Consultant
Where I live in the suburbs of New York City, there are many people who call themselves College Consultants. College Planners. Independent College Consultants. University Specialists. IECs. You can put the word college or university with some kind of consulting...